Monday 21 November 2011

My Breastfeeding Journey

 I am always proud to say that I'm a breastfeeding mum.  Each time I see a pregnant mum, the first thing I would encouraged her is to breastfeed her baby.  I didn't manage to capture my 'precious drops' when I was breastfeeding my son as I was too busy then.  This time, I make sure I capture some of my milk production so that I can keep them as momento.  I only managed to breastfeed my lil prince for 6 months and for my lil princess, I managed to extend till 1 year.  I was very satisfied that I was able to breastfeed her for one year.  I have achieve my target but I do salute those mummies out there who breastfeed their babies for 2 years and some even till 4 years!  It's not easy to breastfeed your baby when you are a working.  You need a lot of determination, I really meant it.  You also need to be very strong and focus too.  It was not that easy when I returned to work and had to pump every 3 hours at work.  Sometimes, you will get 'not so nice' comments from colleagues, but all these does not matters to me as what is more important to me was my lil ones at home.  As long as I'm giving them the best milk in the world, I don't care what others will say.

When I looked back at these photos, I'm so proud of my lil achievement :P.


  1. It is certainly a great achievement Kitty.
    "shi sang zhi you mama hao", and you are on of them.

    I salute for your determination.
    Last time I only managed to bf Sarah till 3 mths old.

  2. Thank you so much for your compliment, Joanne. Yes, it was indeed a lot of hard work especially when I return to work. Don't worry, you can still try breastfeeding again for your second child (any plans?)
